PC-DMIS 2023 User Group Meeting
July 20, 2023
Join us for our 2023 PC-DMIS user group meeting! PC-DMIS 2023 offers new integrations for a range of software applications that allow users to increase quality, efficiency, and productivity.
9:30 -10:00: Check in at PQI & Introduction
10:00 - 12:00: What's New in PC-DMIS 2023
12:00 - 12:30: Lunch
12:30 - 2:30: Breakout Sessions
2:30 - 3:00: Wrap up and Q&A
2023.1 Highlights:
Support for AT500 Tracker
Support for HP-L-10.10 Laser Scanner for CMMs
Summary mode search & filter
New mesh profiles
Breakout Sessions:
PC-DMIS Programming using Model Based Definition (MBD)
Solving BIG part problems with portable arms and laser trackers
Building an uncertainty budget for CMM measurement
GD&T compliance and Geotol
CMM upgrade options: contact and non-contact scanning
New developments in modular CMM fixturing and Renishaw Fixture Builder software
Guest Speakers
Keith Summers
CEO, Productivity Quality, Inc.
Ken Woodbine
Michael Jaeger
Rob Jensen
Jeff Master
Jim Kunze
Lunch and seminar materials will be provided.
SMA offer valid only for event attendees and must be redeemed within 30 days of the event.